Engineering Dobersek on visit to Namibia

During the official visit to the Republic of Namibia, the delegation of Engineering Dobersek visited several local mining companies and had talks with Mr. Negumbo, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Namibia. The meeting focused on issues related to Namibian market access measures, terms of trade as well as possible financing mechanisms.  The aim of these meetings was to establish contacts with potential partners in order to conclude the first contracts in the new market.

Namibia is rich in minerals, the most important of those being diamonds, copper, lead, zinc, tin, silver, gold, phosphates, pyrite and manganese. However, all raw materials are mined and exported abroad for further processing. Therefore, one of the country's most important tasks is to develop its own metallurgical industry. Our company Engineering Dobersek is eager to facilitate this ambition.
